Bholi by K A Abbas Summary Class 10 English

Bholi by K A Abbas Chapter 9 Summary Revision Notes

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CBSE Class 10th English Chapter 9 Revision Notes

Bholi by K A Abbas Chapter Summary  Notes 2023

 Chapter Sketch 

Bholi’ is the story of Sulekha. She is a young girl neglected by all. Education transforms her. It inspires courage and 
confidence in her. She raises her voice for her rights 

About the Characters

Bholi: Her real name is Sulekha and she is Numberdar Ramlal’s youngest daughter. School education changes her 
outlook towards life.
Ramlal (Bholi’s father) : He is a prosperous father of seven children who has a narrow mindset. For him, 
daughters are born for marriage only.
Bholi’s mother : She is a typical conservative mother. She does not take proper care of Bholi.
Bholi’s schoolteacher : She educates Bholi and encourages her.
Bishamber : Bholi’s prospective husband who is a greedy man and a dowry-seeker


Bholi’s First Few Years

Bholi was one of seven children of Ramlal. Ramlal is a well-to-do man as he is the Numberdar of the village. There 
was no lack of comforts in his home but Bholi was still neglected. She fell off her cot when she was just ten months 
old. Her brain suffered some damage and she was slow in learning things. So, everyone called her Bholi. An attack 
of small pox at the age of two years leaves her pock-marked on her entire body. She learned to speak when she 
was five but she stammered. Everyone made fun of her. Even her parents took her to be just an ugly burden.

Bholi’s Goes to School

Once the Tehsildar came to inaugurate a new primary school in the village. He asked Ramlal to send his daughters 
to school. Ramlal could not say no to him. His wife objects that no one would marry the girls if they went to school. 
But, then she felt that Bholi is ugly and it will be difficult to get her married. So, they decided to send only Bholi to 

Bholi Prepares for School

Bholi was fearful of going to school at first. Then, she was given new and clean clothes to wear. She was given a 
bath and her hair was oiled. Now, she felt better. She thought of school as a nice place. All these years no one had 
taken so much caTe of her

Bholi’s First Day at School :

Bholi finds the classroom full of girls like her. She was afraid and sat in one corner. She was attracted to the 
colourful pictures on the wall. She was much impressed by the realistic pictures of birds and animals. The teacher 
asked her name. Bholi stammered and then started crying. After the other children leave, the teacher came back to 
her. She called her lovingly. This time Bholi was able to speak her name better. The teacher encouraged her. She 
asked her to be fearless. She also told her to come to school everyday. Bholi felt as if a new life was beginning for 

A Match for Bholi :

After a few years, Bholi’s parents get a marriage proposal for her. Ramlal is not very happy. The man was a widower 
with grown up children. But, his wife was unconcerned. She just feels that as Bholi was so ugly that proposal was 
good for her. Her father wants to know how Bholi felt about the proposal but her mother refused to ask Bholi about it.

Bholi Stands up for her Rights

When the wedding was about to take place, Bishamber Nath asks for five thousand rupees to marry Bholi as she had 
pock-marks. He also threatens to walk away from the ceremony. Ramlal was afraid of the humiliation and so, with 
tears in his eyes, he hands the dowry money to Bishamber. Bishamber proceeds to garland Bholi but Bholi throws the 
garland away. She asks her father to take back the money and refuses to marry the greedy coward. Everyone goes 
away. Ramlal asks her what she will do now. She just tells him she would work as a teacher in the same school where 
she had studied. Her education has change her outlook.

Chapter Highlights

1 Bholi, the fourth daughter of Numberdar Ramlal in a village, was a simple and pock-marked girl. Her real name was 
2 At ten months she fell off her cot, damaging her brain and making her a simpleton.
3 At two years she was a victim of small pox, which left her pock-marked.
4 She learnt to talk at five years, but used to stammer.
5 When a primary school was opened in the village, the Tehsildar told Ramlal to send his daughters to school.
6 Though Ramlal’s wife felt that sending daughters to school affected their chances of marriage, Bholi’s parents 
decided to send Bholi to school because they felt she would be difficult to get married anyway as she is ugly.
7 Bholi was initially afraid of going to school, but due to the encouragement of her teacher, she continued her studies.
8 After a few years the village became a small town and Bholi received an offer of marriage from a widower who was 
lame but rich. He also did not ask for any dowry.
 9. At the time of the wedding, the bridegroom saw Bholi’s pock-marked face and demanded ? 5000 as dowry, which 
Ramlal gave.
10 Bholi refused tp marry the greedy widower. She later on said that she will take care of her parents and teach in the 
same school where she got her education.

Word Meaning

Word Meaning
Pock-marks Marks on the skin left by the small-pox disease
Mimicked Copy the behaviour or speech of other people
Stammered To speak with many pauses or repetitions because of having 
speech problem
Disfigured To spoil or damage the appearance of
Revenue The income that a government receives regularly, or an 
amount representing such income
Matted (of hair) Tangled into a thick mass
Squatted Sat with knees bent
Scurried To move quickly with short steps
Soothing Having a gently calming effect
Blossomed (of a tree or plant) To produce flowers
Throbbing To beat with a strong, steady rhythm
Witless Very foolish or stupid
Prompted To cause (someone) to do som 

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